What is CleanTech?
We like Wikipedia’s definition: any process, product, or service that reduces negative environmental impacts through significant energy efficiency improvements, the sustainable use of resources, or environmental protection activities.
Key Areas of CleanTech
In short, cleantech is a technology that’s good for the environment.
Our focus areas include:
Energy Generation and storage
Waste and sustainable materials
Built environment
Agriculture and food services
We are focusing on clean hydrogen mobility: sustainable build environment and infrastructure rehabilitation; energy efficiency and storage, agriculture, and sustainability in the food industry.
We believe humanity can solve unprecedented challenges we face today through implementing novel technologies to help decentralized energy generation and storage, novel methods to produce food in closed systems or in deserts, to produce fertilizers and fuels from water, air, and solar energy and many other ready to implement breakthrough technologies.
We are convinced most waste is not inevitable; much of it is caused by a failure of the existing economic system.